Showing posts with label North America. Show all posts
Showing posts with label North America. Show all posts

Canada - The Apollo Murders - Chris Hadfield

Canada - The Apollo Murders - Chris Hadfield

Just ordered after listening to a review on the Science Fiction 101 podcast.

Took this book on holiday with me, and polished it off in a few days. Avery technical and exciting book.

USA - Planetory Agent X - Mack Reynolds

USA - Planetary Agent X - Mack Reynolds


USA - The Demolished man - Alfred Bester

USA - The Demolished man - Alfred Bester


USA - Rendezvous with Rama - Arthur C Clark

USA - Rendezvous with Rama - Arthur C Clark

I haven't read any Arthur C Clark for a while, and I was read for a big hitter. Rendezvous with Rama has been on my periphery for ages, and then I picked up a copy from a charity store for a few pounds, and it made it's way to the top of my 'to read' pile. Clark is just such a great writer, everything is just so smooth and relaxed, you just want to keep on reading despite needing sleep, or to go to work, or eat, or have poo.

Looking back, not really much happens in the book, not great adventure or journey, but each chapter is so engaging. It's quite the opposite of the old phase 'great than the sum of its parts'. There are loads of concepts that are clever and come across (to a layman like me) scientifically sound and plausible. I did hear they are making this into a film. Not sure why, or how. But i'm looking forward to it!


United States of America - Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury

United States of America - Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury

There are dozens and dozens of Sci-fi titles of my bookshelf and in my audio books library, but Fahrenheit 451 is that book they made me want to read more and more and more Sci-fi. It's dark and weird and disturbing and above all else; thought provoking. It always makes me question roles in society and society itself. It's a classic of Sci-fi and a book that belongs on any book shelf.