Ghana - Orphan Planet - Rex Burke

Ghana - Orphan Planet - Rex Burke

Sunday 21st May 2023.

Found this author on twitter and followed him, the book sounded cool, but then one of his tweets mentioned his country of birth was Ghana! After a few messages with Rex, he let me know he isn't Ghanaian, but was born there, and that the book doesn't draw on Ghanaian culture or history. It's always nice to get that cultural exposure from a book, but it doesn't look i'll get it. But the project is also about finding new and interesting books and this one definitely ticks that box! So I've ordered a book direct from Rex, which is super cool, and he even agreed to sign a copy for me. This is why i'm loving this project, getting to chat with authors, and discover books I may never of come across!

30th August 2023

Finally finished this book, after a great start managing to read almost a third of the book in under a week, but then life and holidays and work got in the way and I ended up only managing to read little snippets here and there.

But I've finished it, and what a great book! A story about 6 accidental pregnancy's on a colony spaceship, and we join their adventure when they are teenagers. And what a great adventure they go. This book almost had me in tears at one point also. There are 2 more book in the series which I am definitely going to get copies of.